Pick Up & Deliver 360: Welcome to… (Message from the Deep) – Brendan does a “deep dive” discussion of Welcome to…, the suburb-themed roll and write game. Join us, won’t you?
Pick Up & Deliver 360: Welcome to… (Message from the Deep)

Pick Up & Deliver 248: My top games for more mechanisms suggested by the guild, part 5 – Brendan continues his ongoing discussion of games, organized by mechanism. This is part 5 in the series.
PU&D 227: Rando-writers – Brendan talks about several recent randomize-and-write games he’s played lately. This includes “Roll and Writes,” “Flip and Writes,” and other games that involve randomized bits and then a written bit. Join us, won’t you?
Episode 158: Brendan shares the results of his June game playing, and offers the July 2019 Top of the Stack. It was a very fruitful month!
Episode 154: Brendan shares a brief discussion about his games played in May and his plans for June. The new games for next month will be: Apocrypha Adventure Card Game, Welcome to Dino World, Impulse, and 20th Century.