In Episode 157, Brendan shares his “just played for the first time” thoughts about three games: 20th Century, Everdell, and Hellboy.
Pick Up & Deliver 156: One Game or Many?
In Episode 156, Brendan answers the discussion started over on the __ podcast, talking about whether he enjoys playing a few shorter games at a game night over a longer, complex experience.
Pick Up and Deliver 155: Large Group Games
Episode 155: Brendan shares some of his experience of playing lots of games with a large group. Buckle in for the ride.
Pick Up & Deliver 154: Top of the Stack, June 2019
Episode 154: Brendan shares a brief discussion about his games played in May and his plans for June. The new games for next month will be: Apocrypha Adventure Card Game, Welcome to Dino World, Impulse, and 20th Century.