Pick Up & Deliver 498: Theme and the Care Bear – Brendan talks about how game Theme (or Setting, perhaps) shapes his experience playing games, especially as it overlaps with his tendency toward “care bear” play.
Pick Up & Deliver 384: Cooooold Games
Pick Up & Deliver 384: Cooooold Games – Brendan, walking home on the first really cold day in Chicago’s 2021 winter season, shares five games that make him feel coooold. Join us, won’t you?
Pick Up & Deliver 255: 5 Notable Narrative Mechanisms
Pick Up & Deliver 255: 5 Notable Narrative Mechanisms – Brendan discusses 5 small mechanisms he enjoys that tie narrative to mechanism elegantly.
Pick Up & Deliver 246: My top games for the 10 additional mechanisms Kris Hickman suggested (part 3)
Pick Up & Deliver 246: My top games for the 10 additional mechanisms Kris Hickman suggested (part 3) – Brendan returns to the well for the third time to talk about more game mechanisms and his favorite example of each.
Pick Up & Deliver 239: Duel – Valley of the Kings vs Arctic Scavengers
Pick Up & Deliver 239: Duel – Valley of the Kings vs Arctic Scavengers. Brendan discusses two strong and interesting deck building games, Arctic Scavengers and The Valley of the Kings. Join us, won’t you?
Pick Up & Deliver 228: The ‘geek Asks 5
Pick Up & Deliver 228: The ‘geek Asks 5 – Brendan uses the General Gaming forum as an impromptu advice column to answer. Join us, won’t you?
Pick Up & Deliver 115: Homer Simpson’s Car
Brendan responds to a listener question about the “Homer Simpson Car” game he would like to see. Things Brendan would include: Asymmetry Hidden components and bluffing Multiple paths to victory Hidden motives Feeling of not enough Deep Complexity in choices
Pick Up & Deliver 052: My Top 30-21
In this episode, Brendan offers up his opinions on ten games from his current Top 50 games. Games discussed: 30. Via Nebula 29. Galaxy Trucker 28. Arctic Scavengers 27. Castles of Mad King Ludwig 26. Euphoria: Build a Better Dystopia 25. AquaSphere 24. Vampire: The Eternal Struggle