Brendan explores the Boardgamegeek Forums and responds to the thread titles as if they were questions for him. Join us, won’t you?
- Previous episodes of “The ‘geek Asks”
- Top 5 Game Night Accessories
- Anyone an early riser? Want to play a game?
- 1960 The Making of the President v Watergate
- 1960: The Making of the President (2007)
- Watergate (2019)
- Twilight Struggle (2005)
- How do you decide when you should not try to publish a game?
- Can Someone Help Me Find this Game? (thread deleted)
- Too Many Bones Teacher? (thread deleted)
- Too Many Bones (2017)
- Question for those who have stored games on painted shelves!
- wonder what the freebies were
- [Sold Out] GameNerdz DotD (Thu 23-May-2024): Great Western Trail 2nd Edition: Rails to the North Expansion $24.97
- Lunch-hour gaming: San Juan ✔️ RftG ✔️Jump Drive ✔️ what next?
- Res Arcana (2019)
- Oh My Goods! (2015)
- Bohnanza (1997)
- Mottainai (2015)
- Database into Libib?
How would you answer these questions? Share your thoughts over on Boardgamegeek in guild #3269.
Pick Up & Deliver 622: The ‘geek Asks 12