Pick Up & Deliver 377: Titania Ascending Kickstarter debrief – Brendan shares four things he loved about Titania Ascending campaign, and two things that he did not love.
Pick Up & Deliver 089: Recent trends over on Kickstarter
Brendan shares some observations he’s made of interesting trends and tactics currently at work in some Kickstarter campaigns. Show notes: Dale of Merchants Collection A Thief’s Fortune Nanty Narking What campaigns are you backing? Have you seen anything interesting or
Pick Up & Deliver 059: Kickstarter is for many things
Brendan wraps up his mini-series on what Kickstarter is for with an episode covering a variety of small things Kickstarter does or about how it works. Games Brendan mentioned: Burgle Bros Paperback HATE Teramyyd: Earthsphere Have thoughts on the episode?