Brendan reports on a couple game stores he visited in and near Bowling Green, Ohio, then conducts a “message from the deep” episode on Gloomhaven. Show notes: The Stacked Deck game store Frogtown Hobbies Gloomhaven Have you played Gloomhaven? Do
Pick Up & Deliver 077: State of the Podcast, August 2018
Brendan discusses the state of the podcast, what’s coming up for Pick Up and Deliver, and considers how things will go with the month ahead. Show notes: [toggle gaming] community Facebook page Sherlock Holmes: Consulting Detective Gloomhaven Shear Panic! Where should
Pick Up & Deliver 061: What Kickstarter is for me as a consumer
Brendan discusses his history as a Kickstarter backer and the games he’s enjoyed therein. Games mentioned, etc: Brendan’s Kickstarter profile (with a list of all project backed) Miskatonic School for Girls Castle Dice Goonies: The Adventure Card Game A Study
Pick Up & Deliver 005: Permanent Decisions
Brendan discusses the way that permanent decisions in games like Pandemic: Legacy affect the narrative experience of gameplay. Games discussed: Gloomhaven Pandemic: Legacy Dead of Winter T.I.M.E. Stories Listen below or download the episode: 005: Permanent Decisions (mp3)