PUaD 098: Board Game Sommelier - HORROR

Introducing a new segment, the Board Game Sommelier, in which Brendan pairs games with other popular media to recommend an evening of entertainment. This week’s theme, HORROR.

Our recommendations for thematic pairings:

  • Desperation throbs, like an infected bite, throughout Dawn of the Dead and Dead of Winter.
  • Want to be a real bastard to your friends? Viciousness infects the heart of both Land of the Dead and City of Horror.
  • Sometimes we want a little haunting in our lives. Johnny Depp’s Sleepy Hollow and the Flying Frog Productions creepfest A Touch of Evil both do this well, colonial style.
  • Tension doesn’t get much higher than during the high-stress middle of Alien and Escape from the Aliens in Outer Space.
  • Do you delight in being suspicious? The Thing and Dark Moon both dare you to be paranoid.

What games and films would you pair to promote a horror-filled evening? Let us know in our Board Game Geek guild, #3269.

Listen to the episode below, or download the audio file: PUaD 098: BG Sommelier – HORROR (mp3)

Pick Up & Deliver 098: Board Game Sommelier – Horror