Episode 153: Brendan summarizes the conversation on boardgame geek about what it means to play a “mean” game.
Pick Up & Deliver 152: Mean Card Games Triple Shot
In episode 152, Brendan shares his thoughts about three different “mean” card games he tried for the first time recently (Blood & Fortune, High Society, Arboretum).
Pick Up & Deliver 151: TANSTAAFL
Episode 151: Brendan shares some thoughts on a recent set of conversations about how online content creators (videos and podcasts) should be compensated for their time and effort.
Pick Up & Deliver 150: Sesquicentennial Q&A
In this illustrious episode, our 150th, Brendan answers some questions about his gaming life.
Pick Up & Deliver 149: Pulling Your Punches
In Episode 149: Brendan shares his philosophy and thinking about intentionally playing less than optimally. He ponders three phrases for this idea: “sandbagging,” “handicapping,” and “pulling your punches.”
Pick Up & Deliver 148: End Game
Episode 148: Brendan talks about the challenge of creating a game that’s fun to play but also has a satisfying narrative arc and ending.
Pick Up & Deliver 147: A Flight of Games
Episode 147 – Brendan gives very quick takes on five different games, and covers a couple other topics of recent news.
Pick Up & Deliver 146: Board Game Clubs
In Episode 146, Brendan shares his thinking about how his favorite regular board game night works and what approaches they take to keep and grow members.
Pick Up & Deliver 145: Top of the Stack, May 2019
Episode 145: Brendan shares his “top of the stack” report for the beginning of May, telling us a bit about what he played and a bit about what he plans to play in May.