In Episode 170: DUEL – A-SCARE-itrash edition, Brendan discusses two horror-themed Ameritrash games, Betrayal at House on the Hill vs. A Touch of Evil.
Pick Up & Deliver 170: DUEL – A-SCARE-itrash edition

In Episode 170: DUEL – A-SCARE-itrash edition, Brendan discusses two horror-themed Ameritrash games, Betrayal at House on the Hill vs. A Touch of Evil.
Episode 169: Brendan talks a bit about how pronouns appear in rulebooks, how the English language handles non-gendered pronouns, and what it means for gamers, designers, and the hobby.
Episode 168: Brendan shares his quick-fire thoughts on three games he tried recently– MegaCity: Oceania, The Bloody Inn, and Horrified. Join us for this “Shootin’ from the Hip Triple Shot” episode.
Episode 167: DUEL – Gizmos vs. Century: Golem Edition. Brendan brings back the “DUEL” format to pit Gizmos and Century: Golem Edition in a head-to-head commentary brawl. Tune in for the blow by blow!
Brendan shares his experience starting to learn to play Contract Bridge, and the way it helped him think about game design, the rules from other endeavors that it reminded him of, and a few random observations. Contract Bridge “Kosuke Kitajima:
Brendan shares his top 5 experiences from Gencon 2019. Forgot My Dice podcast Isaac Childres Heist XYZ Game Labs Did you go to Gencon? What was your favorite moment? If not, how did you spend the week? Hop over to
Brendan shares the highlights of his July gaming experiences. Find out how he’s doing on his 10×10 and top of the stack. Top of the Stack, July 2019 La Isla Dread Curse How is your list coming? Are you making