Pick Up & Deliver 268: Calico, Railroad Ink: Red, Visitor in Blackwood Grove (Shootin’ from the Hip) – Brendan shares his first impressions of three games he’s tried recently. Join us, won’t you?
Pick Up & Deliver 285: BGG Weighs In on the 180-degree Rule, part 2
Pick Up & Deliver 285: BGG Weighs In on the 180-degree Rule, part 2 – Brendan continues his follow-up discussion of the 180-degree Rule in Board Games, elaborating on additional ideas introduced by readers on Boardgame Geek. Join us, won’t you?
Pick Up & Deliver 284: BGG Weighs In On the 180-degree Rule, part 1
Pick Up & Deliver 284: BGG Weighs In On the 180-degree Rule, part 1 – Brendan returns to the discussion of the 180-degree rule to discuss the feedback he received from this thread on Boardgame Geek. Join us, won’t you?
Pick Up & Deliver 283: Rules Blunders Revisited
Pick Up & Deliver 283: Rules Blunders Revisited – Brendan returns to a topic he covered nearly two years ago, “Rules Blunders,” and discusses a few new mistakes he’s made, and how they affect the experience of the games.
Pick Up & Deliver 282: The State of Board Gaming for Me Right Now
Pick Up & Deliver 282: The State of Board Gaming for Me Right Now – Brendan shares his thinking about the state of his board game life, what he’s been doing to keep things going, what forums and discussions have helped, and how he’s keeping spirits up.
Pick Up & Deliver 280: The Board Game 180-Degree Rule
Pick Up & Deliver 280: The Board Game 180-Degree Rule – Brendan discusses the film concept of the 180-degree rule, what it means, and how it translates to Board Game Design, then considers a few games that perhaps break the Board Game 180-degree rule.
Pick Up & Deliver 279: When Belief Overrules Evidence
Pick Up & Deliver 279: When Belief Overrules Evidence – Brendan talks about how our impressions and experiences shape our impression of a game, and how those impressions sustain long after those ideas have been undermined or disproven. Join us, won’t you?
Pick Up & Deliver 278: Otys, My City, Parks, & Obsession (Shootin’ from the Hip)
Pick Up & Deliver 278: Otys, My City, Parks, & Obsession (Shootin’ from the Hip) – What games have you been playing lately? Drop over to our boardgame geek guild #3269 and join the conversation.
Pick Up & Deliver 277: Good Sports and Sore Losers
Pick Up & Deliver 277: Good Sports and Sore Losers – Apropos of nothing in particular, Brendan talks about how games and players encourage players to be good sports and help discourage players and play that spawns sore losers. Join us, won’t you?