Brendan brings back the “DUEL” format to pit Gizmos and Century: Golem Edition in a head-to-head commentary brawl. Tune in for the blow by blow!
- London (2nd Edition) (Osprey Games)
- Episode 121: DUEL – London vs. Wingspan
- Century: Golem Edition (Plan B Games)
- Gizmos (CMON Games)
What is your experience of Century or Gizmos? Which do you like better? Do you know another “light- to middle-weight engine builder” that compares to these? What games would you suggest for future DUEL episodes? Pop over to Boardgame Geek guild #3269 and let us know.
Bonus question of the episode: Have you heard enough about the Martin Wallace game, London (2nd Edition)?
Pick Up & Deliver 167: DUEL – Gizmos vs. Century Golem