Brendan shares some thoughts about Winter and some films, books, and games that you can play to tie into the theme. Join us, won’t you?
It turns out Brendan has done this topic before. It was episode 118 and it was called “Board Game Concierge,” which is why it didn’t come up earlier. If only I’d searched for winter, that would have saved us all some trouble.
- Mountaineering
- Literature: Into Thin Air, The Climb
- Films: 7 Years in Tibet, Everest
- Game: K2
- Surviving in the cold
- The Joy of Snow
- Films: Die Hard 2, A Christmas Story
- Literature: Calvin & Hobbes
- Games: Snow Tails, Riverside
What games, films, or literature would you add for these topics? Which topics did I miss? Head over to Boardgame Geek Guild #3269 and share your thoughts!
Pick Up & Deliver 490: Winter, revisited (B.G. Sommelier)