Brendan shares his thoughts about what makes deck-building games fun or interesting. Join us, won’t you?
- Previous episodes:
- Pick Up & Deliver 015: Deck Construction
- Pick Up & Deliver 239: Duel – Valley of the Kings vs Arctic Scavengers
- Pick Up & Deliver 246: My top games for the 10 additional mechanisms Kris Hickman suggested (part 3)
- Pick Up & Deliver 267: Gentle Conflict Mechanisms, part 2
- Pick Up & Deliver 407: Combos
- Deck construction vs deck building
- 1. Variety in setup or variety in player choice
- Static market setup
- River market setup
- 2. Gimmicks / Innovations
- Brawl: Arctic Scavengers
- Shared reserve: The Big Book of Madness
- Deck de-construction: Valley of the Kings, Dale of Merchants
- Board manipulation: A Few Acres of Snow, Clank!
- with Worker Placement: Lost Ruins of Arnak, Dune: Imperium
- Don’t shuffle: Aeon’s End
- Evolving Static Market: The Quest for El Dorado
- 3. Varying Amounts of Randomness and Control
- 4. Eyes Bigger Than Your Stomach
What deck-building games do you enjoy? Share your thoughts over on boardgamegeek in guild #3269.
Pick Up & Deliver 629: 4 Things About Deck-building Games