Brendan tries out a new segment: Astrology Files. In this episode, he talks about what games Capricorns must be good at. Join us, won’t you?
Pick Up & Deliver 559: Look Back at 2015
Brendan looks back at the year 2015 and chooses his favorite games from that year. Join us, won’t you?
Pick Up & Deliver 352: Financial Schemes
Pick Up & Deliver 352: Financial Schemes – Brendan shares his thoughts about several different financial models in games he’s played, and talks about a couple he’d like to try. Join us, won’t you?
Pick Up & Deliver 308: Valentine’s Day (Board Game Sommelier)
Pick Up & Deliver 308: Valentine’s Day (B.G. Sommelier) – Brendan returns to the theme-focused recommendation practice, “Board Game Sommelier,” in which he suggests film and game pairings focused around elements of a particular theme. Join us, won’t you?
(Game Fight Show) March Mayhem Throwdown Ep 3
Brass: Birmingham Vs Food Chain Magnate and Terra Mystica Vs Root faceoff against one another in the March Mayhem tournament each seeking the glory that can only be found in Ultimate Victory! Vote here: And here is the bracket as
Pick Up & Deliver 031: Overproduced?
Brendan discusses games he has that have elaborate components and what effect those components have on the experience of playing them. Games mentioned: Recently played: Carnival Zombie, Crystal Clans Century: Golem edition Anachrony Arkham Horror: LCG Stonemaier fancy bits Food Chain Magnate