Brendan continues talking about his favorite games for different game mechanisms.
- A Few Acres of Snow
- A Study in Emerald
- Res Arcana
- Android: Netrunner
- Lost Cities
- Arboretum
- Strife: Legacy of the Eternals
- Bohnanza (Hand Management)
- New York Slice
- Castles of Mad King Ludwig
- Mammut (You Split I Choose)
- Nexus Ops
- Nanty Narking
- Warhammer 40,000
- Onitama
- Tash-Kalar (Tactical Movement)
Join us over on Boardgame Geek in guild #3269 and let us know about your favorites!
Pick Up & Deliver 247: My top games for the 10 additional mechanisms Kris Hickman suggested (part 4)