Brendan returns to the theme-focused recommendation practice, “Board Game Sommelier,” in which he suggests film and game pairings focused around elements of a particular theme. Join us, won’t you?
- Romance
- Film: Notting Hill
- Game: Fog of Love
- Alternate Games: …and then we held hands, Village
- Push Your Luck / Go All the Way for Love
- Film: Romeo + Juliet
- Game: Deep Sea Adventure and Incan Gold
- Alternate Games: SKULL, Perudo
- Mercilous Capitalism / Greed
- Book (or film): The Big Short by Michael Lewis
- Game: Acquire and Android: Netrunner
- Alternate Games: Food King Magnate
- St. Valentine’s Day Massacre:
- Film: The Untouchables or The Godfather
- Game: The Godfather: Corleone’s Empire
What games and sub-themes did Brendan miss in discussing Valentine’s day? Weigh in over in our guild (#3269) on Boardgamegeek.
Pick Up & Deliver 308: Valentine’s Day (Board Game Sommelier)