Pick Up & Deliver 228: The ‘geek Asks 5 – Brendan uses the General Gaming forum as an impromptu advice column to answer. Join us, won’t you?
Pick Up & Deliver 115: Homer Simpson’s Car
Brendan responds to a listener question about the “Homer Simpson Car” game he would like to see. Things Brendan would include: Asymmetry Hidden components and bluffing Multiple paths to victory Hidden motives Feeling of not enough Deep Complexity in choices
Pick Up & Deliver 110: AuZtralia (Shootin’ from the Hip)
Brendan shares his early thoughts on the new Martin Wallace game, AuZtralia. AuZtralia A Study in Emerald Have you tried AuZtralia? What do you think of it, or other games like it? Join us over on BoardGameGeek at BGG guild #3269. Listen
Pick Up & Deliver 080: Hand Management
Brendan talks about the [toggle] gaming all-day game event, then spends some time talking about hand management games. Show notes: [toggle] gaming Android Netrunner Legendary Marvel Bohnanza A Study in Emerald (1st edition) Something Wakes in the Forest What is
Pick Up & Deliver 061: What Kickstarter is for me as a consumer
Brendan discusses his history as a Kickstarter backer and the games he’s enjoyed therein. Games mentioned, etc: Brendan’s Kickstarter profile (with a list of all project backed) Miskatonic School for Girls Castle Dice Goonies: The Adventure Card Game A Study
Pick Up & Deliver 054: My Top 10
In this episode, Brendan offers up his opinions on ten games from his current Top 50 games. Games discussed: 10. Last Will 9. A Touch of Evil: The Supernatural Game 8. Anachrony 7. Arkham Horror: The Card Game 6. Brass: Lancashire 5. Star Wars: Rebellion 4. Dungeon
Pick Up & Deliver 036: Area Control, also, Sagrada!
Listen on Spreaker! Brendan provides his “hot take” on Sagrada, and then talks a bit about Area Control as a game mechanisms. Games mentioned: Sagrada Axis & Allies Rex: Final Days of an Empire A Study in Emerald Mythotopia Star Wars:
Pick Up & Deliver 028: Moral Ambiguity in Games
Brendan discusses the Annie Jacobsen book, Operation Paperclip: The Secret Intelligence Program that Brought Nazi Scientists to America. He reflects on how games can simulate the murky morality of this kind of activity, and whether that can be fun in a game.
Pick Up & Deliver 022: Deductive & Inductive Reasoning
Brendan discusses the different kinds of reasoning games demand of us, and spends a bit of time thinking about the concept of deductive and inductive reasoning. Games mentioned: Mythos Tales Sherlock Holmes: Consulting Detective Mystery of the Abbey The Resistance
Pick Up & Deliver 021: Martin Wallace (Great Designers)
Brendan continues his “Top Designers in My Collection” series, exploring Martin Wallace. Games mentioned: A Study in Emerald Moongha Invaders Mythotopia Onward to Venus The Arrival Via Nebula London Dr. Who: The Card Game Hit Z Road Listen below or