Pick Up & Deliver 236: Victory from the Jaws of Defeat – Brendan thinks a bit about how games can have a last-minute turnaround that allow for a shift in leader or a dramatic win.
Pick Up & Deliver 197: Setting the Stage
Pick Up & Deliver 197: Setting the Stage – Brendan discusses the Sports Night problem, when a text misleads you in a way that makes it harder to enjoy the content, in the context of board games.
Pick Up & Deliver 191: Budget Gaming
Pick Up & Deliver 191: Budget Gaming – Brendan shares a few tips and a few recommendations for budget game choices in response to a listener inquiry.
Pick Up & Deliver, 105: Standing Up Game
Brendan does a little brainstorming about a multi-use card game played standing up. What will it be like? Join us to find out. Show notes: Innovation Eminent Domain Iain M. Banks Palm Island Drop by BoardGame Geek and let us
Pick Up & Deliver 102: Shootin’ from the Hip – Smile & Innovation
Brendan discusses two games he’s tried for the first time recently, Smile and Innovation. He gives his first impressions. Smile Innovation Have you played either of these games? What do you think of them? Drop by our Boardgame Geek Guild #3269 and